The start of birds and the creators

Birds were made by Ronald Openheimer in a
in 1871 to keep track of the American citizans

Birds origanal use was to keep an eye on the american citizans during the cold war but eventully the birds where found out and they forced many prisoners to mass produce birds and forced designers to create fluffy looking birds.

you might ask about pet birds please do not get rid of your pet birds they are real


The people started wanting pet birds and would kidnap wild birds and the goverment had to put the people who found out this secret in hiding and people were getting suspisouse and so they forced world renoune biologest Charl Darwin to create real birds for the public to consume. (charles Darwin desiding the cutest looking bird)

Double Rainbow Photo



The start of the birds

use in wars

Real bird footage


What to do if you see a bird

Bird training